St. Brigid Blessings and Prayers

Saint Brigid’s cross made from straw stuck in window and blessed the house and protected it from fire and evil. Concept: religion, irish, traditional

A Traditional St. Brigid Blessing

Our wonderful Brigid’s Crosses were inspired by this beautiful heritage, imitating the delicate woven pattern of rushes in precious metals such as silver and gold. Also known as Bride, Bridget of Ireland, Bride of the Isles, and Mary of the Gael, she now reigns as one of the most recognized saints in Ireland.

May the blessing of God and the Trinity be on this cross and where it sits, and on everyone who looks at it,” is a customary blessing for St. Brigid Cross.

About the Brigid’s Cross

Brigid’s cross, like the shamrock and the harp, is a wonderful Irish symbol that may be traced back to Celtic folklore. The cross is weaved from left to right, following the position of the sun, on January 31st, the eve of St. Brigid’s day. It features a layered square in the middle and four arms extending out from it, each knotted at the ends.

St. Brigid’s Feast Day

St. Brigid’s Day is February 1st and traditionally the start of Spring in Ireland.

Prayer to St. Brigid

Dear St. Brigid, brilliant star of sanctity in the early days of our Irish faith and love for the omnipotent God Who has never forsaken us, we look up to you now in earnest, hopeful prayer. By your glorious sacrifice of earthly riches, joys and affections obtain for us grace to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice” with constant trust in His fatherly care. By your life of laborious charity to the poor, the sick, the many seekers for light and comfort, obtain for us grace to be God’s helpers to the utmost of our power during our stay on earth, looking forward, as you did, to our life with Him during eternity. By the sanctified peace of your death-bed, obtain for us that we may receive the fullness of pardon and peace when the hour comes that will summon us to the judgment seat of our just and most merciful Lord. Amen.

Published by The Irish Jewelry Company

We at The Irish Jewelry Company take pride in making the Irish gift giving experience modern and convenient. The Irish Jewelry Company celebrates their Celtic heritage and a love of Ireland through original Irish Jewelry design. Their beautiful Irish jewelry is steeped in Celtic symbolism and rich in Irish tradition. View all posts by The Irish Jewelry Company

The Romantic Translation of Mo Anam Cara: Pronunciation and Meaning of Mo Anam Cara

Mo Anam Cara translates loosely as “My Soul Mate” or “My Soul Friend

Many people believe that the phrase Mo Anam Cara is translates to ‘my soul mate‘ but its accurately translates as ‘my soul friend‘ as anam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara the Gaelic word for friend.

How do you pronounce Mo Anam Cara and Anam Cara?

Mo Anam Cara is pronounced (muh aun-im-KAHR-ah) .

Anam Cara or Anamchara is pronounced (aun-im-KAHR-ah]

The ancient Celts believed in a soul that radiated about the body. They believed that when two individuals formed a deep and lasting bond that their souls would mingle. Therefore, each person could be said to have found their “anam cara“, or “soul friend“.

What does Anam Cara mean?

Anam is Gaelic for ‘soul’, and cara is Gaelic for ‘friend’. To say ‘my soul friend’ you would say mo anam cara.’ The phrase comes from the Celtic belief that souls can be connected spiritually, and can create a strong bond. Anam cara can be used to describe a friendship and a love between family, friends and partners.

It is said that there is a Celtic belief that when two souls share a unique connection they are stronger together than they are apart.

There is an existing compound word known as anamchara that literally means “soul friend.” But this really doesn’t work as “soulmate” in either definition.

Anamchara is traditionally used to refer to one’s confessor or spiritual advisor.  Originally, it was used to refer to the spiritual advisor a young monk would be assigned when he joined the monastery.

Mo Anam Cara Trinity Band by The Irish Jewelry Company

Mo Anam Cara Jewelry

Aran Infinity Claddagh Ring

Mo Anam Cara jewelry is featured in a variety of jewelry styles such Irish rings, pendants, bracelets, and brooches in various precious metals such as Gold and Silver. It is also since as an inscription on or hidden as a romantic message inside claddagh rings and Celtic wedding bands. Mo Anam Cara jewelry makes an ideal gift for that very special person in your life.

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